Teach me how to pray / Psalm 23 live

Truckin for Jesus

Posted at youtube by pastorgeorgec:

My brother “Trucker Joe” pulled up in his Western Star on Pastors Appreciation Sunday. He said “After service we are going for a ride”

I was absolutely thrilled because I had always wanted to do that. It was a ton of fun. But we never lost sight that we are the witness of Jesus Christ and told many that day of His salvation.

Wayne, I thought you might like this! 🙂

the dirty carpet revival…

The story of how God has and is using this young 24 yr old man Brandt Russo, reminded me of AW’s post, Ordinary Folk. For those who don’t know of him, his story and ministry can be read about here at his myspace page.

You would have to have been living in a cave to have not read about the mess which came out of Lakeland Florida in recent months; the outpouring which was claimed to have been God sent, but which proved to have been nothing more then a work of man. There are mega stories on this all over the internet–especially in the blogosphere, so I won’t reiterate or re-hash what has already been said elsewhere.

BUT THIS, this story is amazing, and shows us God still continues to ‘visit’ us in revivals–but in His own time and manner–and using those who are ordinary folks in ordinary ways…

Brandt and his ‘bus’ showed up in Lakeland because of reports of homeless people traveling to the ‘Lakeland outpouring to only be turned away–having no place to sleep. His endeavor to help these people resulted in him being arrested and put in jail. (story HERE)

But God (I love those two words–‘But God!) was preparing to bring about something wonderful from out of all of this…Below is the latest report:


Friday, September 05, 2008
the dirty carpet revival…

Something has happened here in Lakeland Florida that is a little difficult to explain. After my arrest and trying to continue not just to minister to, but befriend and meet the needs of the beautiful folk we have met here, our little potluck community parties started to get a little too big to hold in my bus in the walmart parking lot (which is conveniently located across the street from Ignited Church). The night I got arrested, some kids from Tampa drove down and worshiped with Max and James in the bus, and slowly every night it got bigger.

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